Create a vision for where you want our world to be in 30 years. Where our country should be. Where our state should be. Where our city should be. And then step back and strategize projects to get us there. That is what we are doing.
Where would we like our future to go? A complete marketplace of bio-degradable goods. Bio-engineered food for the masses. Direct representational voting. Voting day a national holiday. Instant Runoff Voting throughout the nation. Political cash flow transparency. A Los Angeles subway system. Unhackable Internet voting. The end of African starvation. Cutting-edge classrooms. No global warming. Universal health insurance. A corporate code-of-conduct. Sensible copyright laws. Pervasive connectivity. Municipal wireless. Spectrum liberalization. Advanced alternative energy technologies. Advanced anti-waste biotechnologies. Global security. A global middle class. Controlled human cloning. Controlled advanced weaponry. Zero-emission transportation. A sustainable planet.
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