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Breaking Into Producing

Speaker(s): with Film Producers Kristin Hahn & Michele Weisler

Saturday, April 14th, 2007 - 2:30PM Aidikoff Screening Room

Beverly Hills
*RSVP is mandatory. Go to

On Saturday, April 14th, two Hollywood producers (and Hollywood Hill members), Kristin Hahn (Anthem, The Departed, The Every Boy) & Michele Weisler (The Ring, The Ring 2, Try 17), will conduct a workshop on Breaking Into Producing. These two women are fearlessly forging their own path through and around the traditional studio system and what has become the traditional independent system. The workshop will cover the producing trends of the recent past and how they've evolved to what they are today, as well as producing in the current studio system and how to best let that system serve your interests. They will also discuss the necessity of finding your own mission as a producer, which they believe is the key to longevity, productivity and ultimate satisfaction with your work. Kristin previously was an EVP at Plan B Entertainment. She has since left Plan B to produce with Jennifer Aniston as well as independently. Michele is currently starting her own film company White Iron Entertainment, where she and her partner will produce a slate of 12 to 15 independent pictures over the next five years. They plan to continue partnerships on projects at the studio level. So, if you are an assistant, this event is far too valuable to miss. If you are a producer, send us your assistant!