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The Real State of Marriage

Speaker(s): Evan Wolfson, Executive Director, Freedom To Marry

Tuesday, September 26th, 2006 - 7:30PM The Home of Martha Haight

Laurel Canyon, California

Evan Wolfson, one of the nation's true legal experts on marriage rights will be joining us for an in-depth conversation followed by Q&A.

He's an amazing speaker and a tour-de-force in the legal world. We enthusiastically invite everyone, particularly the STRAIGHT community, to come and hear what Evan has to say, and get your personal questions answered by a qualified authority. Regardless of whether you are for it or against it, it is time for all of us to develop a more educated discourse on this topic.

Time Magazine named Evan Wolfson one of "the 100 most influential people in the world." The National Law Review named him one of "the 100 most influential lawyers in America." His background as a lawyer is absolutely fascinating - he even served as Associate Council to Lawrence Walsh in the Iran/Contra investigation. He attended Yale College and Harvard Law School, and spent two years with the Peace Corps in West Africa.

Martha Haight, one of The Hollywood Hill's Strategy Council members, will be hosting this event at her home in the hills with co-hosts Mark Ross, Bradley Stewart Glenn, and Brad Grossman. Should gay marriage be legal? Should rights and benefits be the same? We have all been watching the gay marriage controversy unfold over the past two years. Some of us are for it, some of us are against it, some of us just don't know. It is one of the most controversial topics we'll be facing, yet most of us haven't had the time to explore it and understand the arguments. This Monday, The Hollywood Hill is giving you that opportunity.